Root cause analysis

A customer contacts you with a request or application ID that failed. Hypertrace can display all of the services, endpoints and backends that request hit along the way, contextualizing any errors that occurred. When you find the root cause, you can drill into that endpoint or backend and see if the problem was specific to that request. Hypertrace points you to the root cause faster.

Watch roll-outs

Upgrades can mean new services are involved, possibly impacting existing teams. During an upgrade, service and backend teams can see how their performance compares to the last hour and query to see if an upgraded or new service is causing slow requests.

Determine if performance is better

Anyone in a DevOps role can validate if a change made something better or worse, by viewing similar traces. Traces can show if calls are indeed parallel or if caches are in use. Further, "top call" ranking can help teams identify endpoints that need the most work.

Monitor microservice dependencies

Hypertrace aggregates traces, which allows it to know the source of traffic. Service and backend views include upstream services. Service owners can see everything calling them or query to track-down everything they call, even if it is several layers deep into the network.


Hypertrace UI includes a global dashboard as well as service and backend-specific views. Together, these allow different teams with different goals to be on the same page with regards to overall performance. As top calls are ranked, those looking at any scope can learn what's different now vs an hour or a week ago.