
Hypertrace installation script uses Helm Charts to deploy Hypertrace on Kubernetes. If you are already using a tracing system, you can start today. Hypertrace accepts all major data formats: Jaeger, OpenTracing, Zipkin, you name it. Once you complete Installation you can see traces from your already instrumented application in Hypertrace.


  • Docker desktop with Kubernetes (2.3.x and above) or kubernetes client(1.16+ and above)
  • Minimum resources: (3 CPUs, 4GB Memory).
  • Helm (version 3.2.x and above)
  • Bash


  • git clone https://github.com/hypertrace/hypertrace.git
  • cd hypertrace/kubernetes
  • Update the config properties under ./config/hypertrace.properties as needed. The default config will work for a dev deployment on Docker for Desktop.
  • Run ./hypertrace.sh install

Note: If you want more detailed information about deploying Hypertrace on various cloud platforms with different profiles, please check Deployment Docs.


KeyDescriptionAllowed values
HT_PROFILEProfile is size of your deployment. (Memory, No. of CPU's, etc.).dev, mini, standard
HT_ENVPlatform you are deploying Hypertrace on.aws, gcp, docker-desktop
HT_KUBE_CONTEXTKubernetes context to deploy Hypertrace.specific to platform
HT_KUBE_NAMESPACEKubernetes namespace to deploy Hypertrace.hypertrace
HT_ENABLE_DEBUGIn case of any issue, install Hypertrace in debug mode to get more logs and traces to identify the rootcause.true, false
HT_INSTALL_TIMEOUTHelm install wait timeout.in minutes


  • Run ./hypertrace.sh uninstall


Here are the default Hypertrace ports: (You can notice that you don't need to change anything to get started with Zipkin, Jaeger and OpenTelemetry collector to get started with Hypertrace.)

2020Used by Hypertrace UI
55678Opencensus collector
14267Jaeger thrift collector
14268Jaeger HTTP collector
9411Zipkin collector

In case of any port collisions, users can modify the following properties in helm file (platform-services/values.yaml).

  • ingress.hosts[].paths[].port - To change UI port
  • hypertrace-oc-collector.service.ports[].targetPort - To change collector ports

Verifying Hypertrace UI

Once your Hypertrace installation is successful you can navigate tohttp://localhost:2020 or IP address for hypertrace-ui service to access the Hypertarce UI. It looks something like this!

Hypertrace Dashboard

Sending data to Hypertrace

Now you know things are running, let's get some data into Hypertrace. If your applications already send trace data, you can configure them to send data to Hypertrace using the default ports for Jaeger, OpenCensus or Zipkin. If you are just getting started, try out our demo app. Once you have data in Hypertrace, you are ready to explore its advanced features.