CopyDeploying Hypertrace on Windows 10 using Helm:

  • git clone
  • cd hypertrace/kubernetes
  • Go to the hypertrace-helm directory.
  • Create namespace hypertrace by executing kubectl create ns hypertrace.
  • make sure you are using docker-desktop or any kubernetes context appropriate for platform you are using. You can check your context using kubectl config current-context.
  • Replace StorageClass in values.yaml in clusters/dev with your StorageClass. Find your storageclass using kubectl get sc. Ex for Docker for Desktop it will be docker-dekstop and for Minikube it will be standard etc.
  • Run helm repo update
  • Run helm upgrade hypertrace-data-services ./data-services -f ./data-services/values.yaml -f ./clusters/dev/values.yaml --install -n hypertrace --wait --timeout 15m
  • Run helm dependency update ./platform-services
  • Run helm upgrade hypertrace-platform-services ./platform-services -f ./platform-services/values.yaml -f ./clusters/dev/values.yaml --install -n hypertrace --wait --timeout 15m
  • Check if you have all pods running using kubectl get pods -n hypertrace
  • In case your pods are pending troubleshoot with kubectl describe pods -n hypertrace. The most common issues with pods pending are insufficient resources (CPU, memory) or used host port. You can find common issues here.

CopyVerify installation

  • Verify Helm Charts. Successful installation should have the release status as deployed for both data-services and platform-services as below.

    $ helm list --namespace=hypertrace --kube-context=docker-desktop               
     NAME                           NAMESPACE   REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART                               APP VERSION
     hypertrace-data-services       hypertrace  1           2020-06-24 22:19:46.827523 +0530 IST    deployed    hypertrace-data-services-0.1.0      0.1.0
     hypertrace-platform-services   hypertrace  1           2020-06-24 22:21:33.41217 +0530 IST     deployed    hypertrace-platform-services-0.1.0  0.1.0


  • Run kubectl delete ns hypertrace

You can check out installation doc to read more about ports and other configs.