CopyDeploying Hypertrace on Minikube using Helm:

  • git clone
  • cd hypertrace/kubernetes
  • You have to make some changes in config file as per the configuration section below.
  • Run ./ install


  • As default in Microk8s you can use only services like NodePort and ClusterIP.
  • With your setup you can use NodePort, ClusterIP with Ingress or MetalLB.
  • We are using ClusterIP with Ingress so you have to remember to enable ingress and dns addons in Microk8s.
  • It can be done by $microk8s.enable dns ingress.
  • So once the installation is complete you can access service which uses LoadBalancer, in our case hypertrace-oc-collector and hypertrace-ui can be accessed using combination YourIP:NodePort where NodePort is specific to service.


  • You can customize the configuration under ./config/ as needed.
  • Default configuration will work for Docker for Dekstop deployment which is discussed in this section.
  • use dev profile while installing on microk8s on local setup.

Default configuration is as follows:

# Name of the profile
# Allowed values: {dev, mini, standard}
# Cloud provider name
# Allowed values: {docker-desktop, gcp, aws}
# Kubernetes context to deploy Hypertrace
# Kubernetes context to deploy Hypertrace
# Helm install wait timeout.
# Installation time generally depends time to pull multiple Hypertrace images from the repository.
# Set it higher value if the connection is slower.
# Units in minutes
# Flag to debug installation issues
# Allowed values: {true, false}

In case of any issue, install Hypertrace in debug mode to get more logs and traces to identify the rootcause.

  • Set HT_ENABLE_DEBUG to true in ./config/
  • Debug bash -x ./ install

CopyVerify installation

  • Verify helm charts. Successful installation should have the release status as deployed for both data-services and platform-services as below.

    $ helm list --namespace=hypertrace --kube-context=docker-desktop               
     NAME                           NAMESPACE   REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART                               APP VERSION
     hypertrace-data-services       hypertrace  1           2020-06-24 22:19:46.827523 +0530 IST    deployed    hypertrace-data-services-0.1.0      0.1.0
     hypertrace-platform-services   hypertrace  1           2020-06-24 22:21:33.41217 +0530 IST     deployed    hypertrace-platform-services-0.1.0  0.1.0


  • Run ./ uninstall

You can check out installation doc to read more about ports and other configs.