Hypertrace is a real-time observability platform that helps teams make sense of their production requests and trends within their network.

Hypertrace converts distributed trace data into relevant insight for everyone. Using Hypertrace your infrastructure team can identify the services that are causing an overload. Your service team can diagnose why a specific user's request failed, or which applications put their service objectives at risk. Deployment teams can know if a new version is causing a problem.

Hypertrace is an Open product that accepts all major tracing data formats. This would help you to try it without changing your application.


Hypertrace is an open distributed tracing platform that includes features commonly present in distributed tracing systems such as a cloud-native backend and a UI. Hypertrace goes beyond and includes features that are usually available in commercial products. Hypertrace, for example, provides you with no additional configuration, service graph and metrics aggregation in real time, custom dashboards, and sophisticated path-based analysis.

The following tables provides a high-level overview of the basic and some important features that Traceable provides.

Basic features

Trace UIVisualization for a request's path through services and any backends, including context, errors, and delays
Application Flow UIService graph visulatization of all the traced traffic in your network
Cloud Native DeploymentKubernetes cluster with Helm Charts to install and manage

Notable features

The below features are available by default in Hypertrace, but are not usually included in Open Source distributed tracing systems.

Dashboard UIGlobal health including most frequently called endpoints, services, and backends
Services UIService owners can see health and latency overview of their endpoints and corresponding dependencies
Backend UIOwners of backends like MySQL or Redis can quickly identify slow queries and identify trends
Built-in Rosetta StoneNatively understands all major trace data formats like OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, and Zipkin
Sampling unnecessaryNative design to ingest 100% request traces. No need for a sampling collector.
Real-time processingUsing stream processing, application flow and metrics aggregate automatically.